Books I Want to Reread | Sample Post

I have to admit I'm not very good at rereading books. I'll finish a book, put it on my shelf and then generally never pick it back up again. I don't want to take them to the charity shop because I enjoyed reading them but very rarely do I actually read them again! So I'm going to make the effort to try and reread books a bit more frequently. Maybe one a month. I've actually found that when I'm rereading a book I read it much faster than I do normally. Probably because I already know a lot about the characters and where the plot is going. I've picked out five books that I really want to reread and I would ideally like to have done that all by the end of the year. When I'm at uni I don't read for pleasure as much so rereading books is good because like I said I read them faster!

A Tale For The Time Being by Ruth Ozeki - The first time I read this book I absolutely raced through it. It was absolutely amazing. I had borrowed it from my friend Sarah but a few months ago she said I could have it if I wanted as she no longer wanted it. One man's trash is another man's treasure! This is a book about a woman in Canada who finds a lunchbox washed up on the shore. It contains the diary of a young Japanese girl and she suspects that the lunchbox may be the start of the debris from the Japanese tsunami making its way across the ocean. The book is told in alternating chapters: one Canadian lady chapter and one Japanese diary chapter. It's a really interesting story and not like anything I've really read before. I would love to reread this as I enjoyed it so much the first time round and I'd like to check out her other books as well!

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga - I read this on holiday a few years ago and I really liked it at the time so it would be interesting to read it again and see if I enjoy it as much the second time around. It's about a man in India who works as a servant/driver to a very rich man. But he feels like he is much better than that so he tries to take over. At least that's what I remember! I have debated taking this one to the charity shop a lot recently so I think I'm going to give it a read again and then donate it. I think I actually bought it in a charity shop in the first place!

Nothing To Envy by Barbara Demick - This is a collection of stories from people who have defected from North Korea. I find North Korea absolutely fascinating and I've read a lot of books about the current regime there. What I liked about this one was that it tells you the stories of lots of different people. Like in this one of the people was the daughter of a poor miner and the other a doctor. I think we consider North Korea to just be a very poor country in general but it's interesting to see the difference between the rich and the poor inside the country too. Rereading this will just be for the sake of it because I really enjoyed it first time around.

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher - This is another book that I read several years ago and really loved. I was probably about 14 at the time so I'm keen to see if this is as good as I remember it being. It's about a boy who knew a girl who killed herself. And then a set of tapes shows up at his house and he realises the tapes are her explaining the thirteen reasons why she killed herself. And all the reasons are people. And he's one of them. I remember this being obviously very dark but quite thought provoking as well so that's why I'm quite keen to read it again.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell - Last year I reread Fangirl and Eleanor & Park. Rainbow Rowell is one of my favourite authors so I really enjoy rereading her books. I think this is probably my least favourite out of her books but I still really enjoyed it. It's about a guy who works in the IT department of a company, it's his job to monitor staff emails for any inappropriate comments etc. There are two friends conversing that keep flagging up but he doesn't report them because he enjoys reading the emails. I remember it being very sweet, much like all of her books so I'm sure I'll enjoy reading it again!

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